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How to request NDIS Home and Living Supports


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for a range of home and living supports to eligible participants. If you are an NDIS participant, you may be wondering how to request these supports. In this article, we will outline the steps you need to take in order to request NDIS home and living supports. We will also provide some tips on what information you will need to provide to the NDIS.

What are Home and Living Supports?

Home and Living Supports are services that help you with activities of daily living in your home. This can include things like help with showering, dressing, cooking, cleaning, and other domestic tasks. It can also include support for managing your finances, shopping, and other household tasks.

If you are living with a disability that makes it difficult to do these things yourself, or if you live alone and are unable to manage all of these things on your own, then Home and Living Supports can help you to maintain your independence and live in your own home.

The NDIS may also contribute to the cost of accommodation in situations where the participant has a need for specialised accommodation due to their disability.

To request Home and Living Supports from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), you should contact your Support Coordinator or the NDIS and discuss your needs with them. They will be able to assess what supports would be appropriate for you and put together a plan of care that meets your individual needs.

Eligibility for Home and Living Supports

If you are an NDIS participant, you may be eligible for Home and Living supports. These supports can help you with day-to-day tasks such as cooking, cleaning and personal care.

To request Home and Living supports, you will need to contact your NDIS planner or local area coordinator. They will be able to discuss your support needs with you and help you develop a plan that includes these supports.

How to request Home and Living Supports

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for a range of support services and equipment to help people with disability to live independently at home.

If you are eligible for the NDIS, you can request funding for Home and Living Supports through your NDIS Plan. This can include funding for:

  • Supported independent living
  • Individualised living options
  • Specialist Disability accommodation
  • Medium term accommodation
  • Short term accommodation
  • Home modifications
  • Personal Care supports 
  • and assistance for Younger people in residential aged care

The NDIS may also contribute to the cost of accommodation in situations where the participant has a need for specialised accommodation due to their disability. This is called Specialist Disability Accommodation

To request Home and Living Supports through your NDIS Plan, you will complete the Supporting Evidence form for Home and Living.


Now that you know how to request NDIS home and living supports, it’s time to get started. Remember to be clear and concise in your request, and include all the necessary information. Once you’ve submitted your request, the NDIS will review it and determine whether or not they can provide the support you need. In most cases, they will be able to provide some form of support, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.

Excelsior Housing Services provides a range of Disability Housing Options including Robust, High Physical Support and Improved Liveability Specialist Disability Accommodation options in Orange, Dubbo, Bathurst and Broken Hill. Click here to book a Disability Housing consultation today.

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