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Home is where the heart is

At Excelsior Housing Services, we believe everyone deserves a safe, accessible, and empowering place to call home. Our specialist disability accommodation (SDA) is designed to meet your unique needs and foster independence.

At Excelsior Housing Services, we believe everyone deserves a safe, accessible, and empowering place to call home. Our specialist disability accommodation (SDA) is designed to meet your unique needs and foster independence.

Broken Hill
Wagga Wagga

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About Specialist Disability Accommodation

SDA is one of the supports that may be funded under the NDIS for some participants who have an extreme functional impairment or very high
support needs.

SDA refers to accommodation for people who require specialist housing solutions, including to assist with the delivery of supports that cater to their extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. SDA does not refer to the support services, but the homes in which these are delivered. SDA may, for example, have specialist designs for people with very high needs or a location or features that make it feasible to provide complex or costly supports for independent living.

About SDA

High Physical Support

Housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment and requiring very high levels of support.

Improved Liveability

Housing that has been designed to improve ‘Liveability’ by incorporating a reasonable level of physical access and enhanced provision for people with sensory, intellectual or cognitive impairment.

Fully accessible

Housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment.


Housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment and requiring very high levels of support

Frequently Asked Questions

At Excelsior Housing Services we like to be upfront with you. Look below at some of our frequently asked questions.

What areas do you have housing?

At the moment our housing is located in Dubbo, Orange, Broken Hill and Bathurst. We are looking to expand into new areas, so please let us know if you are aware of a need in another location.

Do you provide housing to people over 65 years old?

Excelsior Housing Services provides housing to people who are receiving supports through the NDIS. If you are receiving NDIS support it is possible we can assist you.

Do I have to pay rent?

Excelsior Housing Services sets it rent based on the NDIS guidelines for Reasonable Rent Contributions. Generally this is set at 25% of a persons income plus 100% of the rent assistance payment from Services Australia. More information can be found in the NDIS Pricing Guidelines.

Does Excelsior Housing Services provide disability support?

Excelsior Housing Services provides housing for people with disability. This means that we partner with disability support providers who provide the day to day supports.

High Quality Disability Housing

Start working with Excelsior Housing Services to find the right disability housing for you. Arrange a FREE call or email us to explore your options.

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